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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Weight Loss - Weight loss rate week-how quickly you per weight, you need to lose?

Now here is people absolutely obsessed ... An ideal weight loss rate seems items per week. Meaning, how fast should you lose weight?
And get the answer this question, so interested people why it is very clear. Quite simply, slow or fast how to lose weight should know finally reached your goals, and if you can expect the body that you want to estimate.
People only super it they would be there when the research will finally stick with only would make sense, so at that point (especially early on), cling to reach.
So, let's answer that question now.
To do this, when I look at most often an ideal weight loss rate comes line per week two and would like to recommend.
This right here you will see the most basic and common weight loss rate is recommended. By default, lose 1 pound per week, simple, safe and healthy weight loss of the textbook definition.
It is discouraging that not too slow and it (unnecessarily hard and potentially dangerous) is not too fast. This most of the people for the right seems to be right smack in the middle.
The most commonly recommended weight loss rate/week in addition to being, it is the most common. It's really all the same you, preferences, situation, how much weight loss, etc.) Account any external factors are not taken into account.
It is how quickly the average person, you need to lose weight just solid is a universal referral. I like it.
However, I don't like it, you will no longer be the first recommendation, the exact recommended before not countless times given the fact that despite this ... I 'd.
That's right, I think your ideal weight loss depends on the speed/week.
What I mean is, I think the more weight to lose less than the people to lose weight as quickly as opposed to the user it should lose.
This is the reason for a ton of sense. For example, more local people to lose their body in the province's high abundance because the muscles are likely to lose. Therefore, they are the same muscle loss, lose weight fast without risk.
On the other hand, leaner or less to lose fat people who only have the muscles of the high risk losing. Because of this, should they of weight loss is a slow speed.
Besides, this is also how easy it will be difficult or consider. Meaning, it it lose 10 pounds, with faster than to lose a lot of people who have 100 pounds for easy. They are early to take advantage of the fact that especially should be.
There out of you to accurately show some numbers tossed I mean ...
Losing the weight of the above average amount with people (for example: 100 lbs) loss 2 pounds (or more) per week so the user's weight average of amount rate should lose (example: 30 lb) 1-2 pounds per week so people average of weight amount as a percentage of the loss should lose (example: 10 pounds) should lose a percentage of the 0.5-1 pound per week.
My ultimate fat loss program in these recommendations actually occurs best practices) and with much more detail.
Standard "pounds per week loss" recommendation still aimed at middle-of-the-road perfectly well, how I slowly or quick thought so people lose weight, you need to rely on them more, and a little bit more they have lost the exact amount will be personalized according to.
*** NEW *** it the user making the request, after years of the last with fat loss, cut down of the ultimate guide. It's all in the details, all the details and as much as possible all quickly and effectively, you must include as losing fat.
Right here, check out: to lose weight diet's ultimate fat loss program

View the original article here

Weight Loss - "Other" weight loss food log.

If weight loss your goal, possibly can do one of the most important things, this ... This is all continue to eat every day, or if you've heard.
Nothing new there, right?
Because up until now, you know, a successful weight loss diet key to the right number of calories, and that eating calories in getting good source) you would do this to maintain some kind of reason that log, list, or of what you eat every day of the journal is the only real way of doing this.
All of the above and I fully agree with while I actually also must be kept in a completely different feel the weight loss food log.
At other times I've mentioned this blog, like most people lose weight because the mental aspects of the weight to fail. Not knowing what to do, and determine and easy to start. It is a motivation, commitment, and willpower, keep doing it, and accurate, is that most of the problems.
I mentioned above, keep a food log type and got exactly eat every day to know what is really the physical aspects of weight loss happen for making is one of the key.
But, it's mental side does absolutely nothing.
So I'm all people ever diet was frustrated power is low, or you must start the second motivation ... log Keep am
All log did not eat.
He want to take me, but did not. All bags all potato chips, candy bars, all French fries, all cookies, all fast food hamburger, all number of sodas, want to eat all the food, but you know you didn't because.
Each food that log power for win one. You keep your body's mentally strong was junk food all the pieces of the daily/weekly/monthly/yearly log reporting anything but motivation.
The next time your favorite junk food meals just there, instead of user name, call when it is sitting. Write them all. If you have it, even just to avoid eating junk of better ideas, get it (calories, fat grams, etc) of the nutrition information to identify you can take time.
Like him, be as motivated by a desire to gradually these types of foods you eat more than the attention gone smaller and smaller, this will be the time to view the log when you accelerate even more.
Write/food down to eat it, type instead of the actual work can act not to mention the desire to eat just enough so that they can be passed as a distraction.
So, to adopt this idea and actually can lose any weight does not occur while your willpower and motivation as a way to keep will serve. And, without him, you're probably losing any weight anyway.
*** NEW *** it the user making the request, after years of the last with fat loss, cut down of the ultimate guide. It's all in the details, all the details and as much as possible all quickly and effectively, you must include as losing fat.
Right here, check out: to lose weight diet's ultimate fat loss program

View the original article here

Weight loss success story: Jill

Welcome to A Merry life! If you new subscribe for future updates. Thank you for your visit!

It has been awhile since we've had all success stories around here. I am now focusing on weight loss with counting calories and everything, so I figure it is time to all motivational.  Type Jill.

Jill Knapp
Wife, mother, diabetes advocate
Age: 43
Height: 5' 8
Before weight: 237
Weight: 137

I gained 50 pounds during my first pregnancy and after giving birth, my weight gradually began increasing. As with most women, I was with life employs and forgot the importance he cares about me. I was young, and my body felt is the extra 100 pounds, I gradually over the years on set had. I had bad eating habits, no time to exercise and no real desire to be healthy.

Unfortunately I had to hear, "You have type ll diabetes."I hope others will lose weight before you have to hear these words. It was so very depressing diagnoses the type ll get. It changes everything.

I registered my food ate six small meals a day and had no refined sugar. Figuring I'll type diabetes had helped me way I think have a paradigm shift in and I have a lifestyle change versus a diet. Five days a week, cardio was mixed with resistance training my exercise routine. I never skipped a day.

I broke my both slides on black ice my ankles. I had to put surgery and a plate of 6 screws in my tibia bones. I thought "How I ever the weight now is get?" I was determined that I that stop me safely let not my ankles. It took 9 months total, fall to heal I could not exercise, but I kept 6 small meals eat one day and reached my goal.

My neighbor who works behind the scenes of the Mrs Idaho pageant said I have a great platform. I thought, to win a local title is a great way to spread my message.  I was Mrs treasure Valley.  Titled the wife treasure Valley Idaho I was able to start to bring awareness of type 2 diabetes.  I spoke at schools, offices, weight loss challenges and after school programs. It was a wonderful feeling, my personal journey, helping others to share.

Mrs Idaho pageant was fun and it I was the first time it be on a stage in 20 years.  I placed 2nd Runner up. I won the prize for the best interview, community service award, and in most years married award was voted woman congeniality.

I am currently a diabetes advocate.  I wear my message as far and wide as I can.  I am a motivational and love.  It gives me great pleasure to share my story and in doing so inspired to "stand up and move to get!"

My health is now great! I take medication for my I it under control through proper diet and exercise have diabetes.  I feel wonderful! I now have more energy and it is because I am a whole new lifestyle life. I have to keep the energy with my 3 children, but above all mean 5 years old. I have to live more drive and am happy with myself.  I remember implementation this extra 100 pounds, as it was to.  I remember that very depressed.  I'll never go back and thus to live again.

I want to know others you can lose weight. No matter what your circumstances. No matter what your age. You can begin to live a healthier lifestyle now.  Take one day at a time, and you will achieve your goals.

I have my weight loss for 1 yr 7 Mo maintained.

If you want to learn more about Jill visit your Web site listed at

Click here to read about more weight loss success stories.

Are you a success story? Send me an email to be featured!

View the original article here

Monday, December 6, 2010

Weight loss and muscle building?

OK, a series of questions on the "Yes" or "the more you'll answer," the answers to all questions are will explain.

1 I first weight. And you need to build the muscle?

2 weight loss and muscle building if you want to. Should I lose weight if you all wait until the work building the muscle?

3. I don't want to lose, and muscles to work in the building, and then there are some fat. However, my friend said to me just as my fat muscle on works. Possible?
Not hell.

These questions and the goals you want to weight loss and muscle building on prominent themes. I will cause a lot of confusion, so it's all an opportunity to let this out. Other wording and the same question question # 1 and # 2 is enabled by default. Either way, the answer is still busy. Here there is a reason to

Weight loss and muscle building first if you want to lose weight when the weight finally gone and then first to start building muscle is absolutely no reason.

On the other hand, are trying to lose weight at the same time to build muscle, there are a lot of reasons. As follows:

Weight loss in your body calorie deficit less by their meal, or a combination of both occurs when one of the recording. And, big surprise, burns calories, weight training. Treadmill, but it's only a significant amount of calories.Not weight (increase muscle) also burns calories, weight training, but the results obtained from burning calories, not the actual act of training still burn jogging may not be the same as in. Yes, literally muscles burn calories. You maintain full calorie level know? Well, the body naturally each burn calories of me just works. Muscle in your body naturally your body will burn more calories. And there's no need to do anything. Just build the muscle, the rest of it. Muscle in your body really fast to add muscle to start building miracle.HELLO weight loss ...Is near! You just because you finally to build muscle, you first need to lose weight to sit waiting until you build a waste of time to the precious muscle. All at the same time, you can do more and more. (More later.)

So, both weight loss and muscle ... Very stupid at the same time, both on and off will not start if you intend to build, to the sum.

Question # 3. The infamous "fat muscles turn" idea. This, of course, is not supported. As mentioned above, and at the same time, losing fat, muscle starts to build but also they are lost and gained individually, there are two separate, keep in mind that.

Have your muscles and you've got your fat. These are the only they form. They are like magic, it is not possible to convert into another document. Only you can get and muscles, loss, or you lose fat and gain. That's it. They are the only trick. Of course, you lose 5 pounds of fat and 5 pounds of muscle. However, did not turn off the other one. Case.

And now, one or more related questions:

I build the muscles at the same time could not be losing fat. This fact?

Person whose goal is to always lose fat and gain muscle both, I am exactly how confusing "sometimes" you can receive the answer. But I'm not, really. Let me explain.

A significant amount of body fat in order to lose you need every day less than the calories you need to consume. A substantial amount of muscle in order to build the body than required daily calories more there is a need to use. As you can see they are the opposite of unproductive. Currently, all at the same time, if you try to perform all failed.

However, do not give up hope. Both groups at the same time, you can actually succeed, I'm not one of them. These two groups of people as follows:

People support " especially" ste "starts with" roids "novice ending words. It is truly an amazing thing, and not try to take advantage of it to be just plain stupid. first (aka, Elementary), muscle building if you start to see a very small task (s) is not required. It is still a ton of effort and take the exact information, but not all of the muscle-building-the other side would cause the novice beginners who do not apply to you, don't get me wrong. Their body, in most cases, either way to build muscle. "Newbie profit," "Beginner's gain" and "honeymoon period" description I've heard the boundary of the miracle. In this way, science terms.

You have before you a significant amount of muscle to get fit body, rather than more calories told about to eat all that, remember? And most of the people at the same time both reasons because losing fat less calories (opposite) should be used? Well, this really does not apply to beginners. Yes, they're calorie deficit in some kind of, you need to lose weight. However, beginners because they non-beginners like muscle building does not stop on.

And both the novice and lose weight at the same time, you can build muscle, this result is due. Amazing, isn't it?

Apparently at some point you no longer have a beginner and all the same, successfully much harder (or near impossible) will be the time. But until you as well as temporary super powers and just enjoy it, you can pretend to be. In my opinion, the last thing you would have the ability to use it. The reason is that the muscle ... ... Stupid building before trying to lose weight first until the idea of waiting. Bus Lex Luther's hangout, like taking a Superman.

You can use it during the ability ...Is there. Precisely as a way to do this, is very simple. This lose weight (goals of weight loss of the stone) diet to follow it (muscle building is part of the goal of the stone) to the proper weight training routine. That's it.

(Oh, and just any mention of "beginner" this this post is the meaning of the word in weight training for beginners, weight loss to clarify something beginner. weight training for the past 6-12 months, and consistently, the most muscle building, these "improvements" to the beginners will be able to take advantage of it is still a novice, but you will be considered weight 10 years to the heart of all kinds and all kinds of diet has been working on in the. over the course of the last year and was going unless you 5 years ago at the University, and worked all the time if you are considered too still beginners.)

*** NEW *** it the user making the request, after years of the last with fat loss, cut down of the ultimate guide. It's all in the details, all the details and as much as possible all quickly and effectively, you must include as losing fat.

Right here, check out: to lose weight diet's ultimate fat loss program

View the original article here

Ocean swimming and more beaches

Welcome to A Merry life! If you new subscribe for future updates. Thank you for your visit!

I promise, I am the beach not going every day.

But since it is warmer I suppose we will go more often. Please hate me if I post too many photos of us beaching it. I'm just so excited to live 30 minutes from a beach or hour from an amazing beach. After living in Tennessee for most of my life is brilliant. No longer drives in 6-8 hours (or more) to get to the beach!

So we went the other day to a wonderful beach which is about an hour away.


The beach is amazing. It makes me happy, and so it makes me feel much better. As long as I manage to keep me get from sunburn I pretty much always a great time.

And I love going to the beach with Kepa. We play ridiculously childish games and exuberance that stretching... is it a whole lot of fun.


Plus I tried out, that whole ocean swim thing. Just check it out because after all I have to do it for a triathlon.


It was not really that bad! The water was really cold in depth I swim his will, I hope at the time I do, it will be warmer water. Because it was so cold, I refused too far out made that to go swimming a lot harder, because my finger tips below, touched when I swam.

Fortunately there were not many waves, so swimming was pretty simple, apart from the fact that in really shallow water. I am now much less concerned about the swimming portion of the triathlon. Ocean swimming is not scary! It's fun! The only part which I really worried about am is still the fact that I'll be with a ton of other women swim - I am not getting kicked me and hit in the face while trying to swim.

I just know that I am excited for the warmer weather. It will be nice to hot temps and had beautiful days, so I often swim can practice.

Plus makes go to the beach only me happy. :)


I feel much better after the post Thanksgiving depressing time weigh thanks to some Beach the other day and lots of exercise today. I managed to do and a half of cardio after barely last week, an hour and I feel much better. I still don't know what I have to eat to do but exercise makes me feel much better about everything!

Tagged as: Beach, exercise, swimming

View the original article here

Weighing in: Christmas comes

Welcome to A Merry life! If you new subscribe for future updates. Thank you for your visit!

Today was a good day.

I woke up and made it to the gym. This is terribly difficult to do because our Fitness Studio is open only for two hours per day on Sunday. If you go between 9 and 11, you're out of luck. Usually I miss the window of opportunity, but today I have certainly make it happen and get a workout in.

Also, we set up our Christmas tree! It is not completely ready because we pick up a few ornaments to our first Christmas (well, in the same place) want to celebrate.

And even better? We saw love actually. It is my favorite Christmas movie, although it is not traditional. I love to watch it, because it always makes me feel what it's like Christmas. Yes, in New Zealand it sunny and warm is.

I love the Christmas season. There are so many things to do funny and look forward to. :)


Weigh last I conceded that I fought and, needed to change things. Well, I finally decided to count only calories and started it on Thursday but it enough was not soon to undo what I had already done during the week. Thus this in rock is a bit like a failure too.

Current weight: 212.0 kg
Previous weight: 211.4 kg
Weight loss: + 0.6 kg
Weight loss total: - 39 lbs
Starting weight: 251

It's all good.

I'm doing the calories count thing and it's boring and not fun, but I know it works. I wish, I had begun to do immediately last week instead of absolutely nothing positive to remedy the situation.

But like I said, it's all good.

This week I'll be the Kepa's mom's school will help a little. I get to go on an excursion with the kiddies and I am terribly excited. Is it a fun week.

What are you excited the most over for Christmas?

View the original article here

Weight Loss - Milk: the miracle weight loss drink

Ah yes, milk. Even a good source of calcium, vitamins and a good source of it is a good source of protein. However, apparently, that's not all. Milk is a miracle weight loss drink, which happens to be.
I think this commercial milk, or Web site for especially these days have been seeing. You've probably seen it? "2424.6? stands for" low-fat or fat free milk 24 ounces every 24 hours. "For
All commercial pretty much the same health status of their Web site. And the, milk, reduced calorie diet as part of the drink you will make to lose weight.
Hang on. Or let me repeat that.
Your diet, calories, reduce the number of an ounce, then 24 ... Low fat/fat free milk drink, will lead to weight loss.
I who is behind the entire advertising campaign but we special K cereal is imported the same genius and it will put my money: this miracle diet food. Special K cereal reduced calorie diet eat as part of the weight loss help all of them.
Well, guess what? McDonald's Burger eating, reduced calorie diet as a part of you will lose weight.
Reduced calorie diet as part of banging your head against the wall to lose weight.
Not milk. And not a special K. And Burger, not and "reduced calorie diet" some head banging ... It does not. That's it. Your body needs less calories than losing weight.
All food and drink on the planet has the exact same milk here, you can claim. Really, McDonald's not register will just plain crazy.
And it's not just to clarify anti-milk. Milk is far away from the bad. I just, ya know, anti-BS. And this is pure BS 2424milk. In fact, nothing "movement" and "reduced calorie diet", in addition to the mentioned weight loss when discussed whenever you pretty much BS.
Oh, my God, you know what I just realized? If you have a special K cereal ... Eating a bowl of milk? Holy crap, 50 pounds, you can delete it immediately! Really what kind of combined in this product, you must have a warning. "Extreme amounts of weight loss ... Reduced calorie diet may occur as a part of. "
*** NEW *** it the user making the request, after years of the last with fat loss, cut down of the ultimate guide. It's all in the details, all the details and as much as possible all quickly and effectively, you must include as losing fat.
Right here, check out: to lose weight diet's ultimate fat loss program
View the original article here